Five Easy Dog Photography Tips

Loyal, loving, quirky and kind — a dog brings so much joy to life. It comes as no surprise that pet parents take ample pictures of furry family members. Dogs are a favorite subject matter for amateur and professional photographers, and countless framed photographs and slews of social media images prove it.

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Welcome to the Dream World of Pegi Smith

Pegi Smith (Peggy Smith) paints in acrylics on canvas from her home studio in the mountains near Ashland, Oregon. It’s not often that one finds an artist who paints from her dreams, yet Pegi’s visionary style distinguishes her paintings from all others, immersing the viewer in her personal—and very compelling— dream world.

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Oregon Wildlife Foundation Previews Three Wildlife Crossing Projects

– As wildlife move around their habitat for food, shelter and to find mates, the roads and highways that crisscross our state make that a dangerous and sometimes fatal journey. According to Oregon Department of Transportation’s (ODOT) carcass collection records, each year in Oregon, approximately 5,000 large-bodied animals are killed in wildlife-vehicle collisions. The actual number of wildlife lost to collisions with vehicles is likely much higher as some die outside the highway right-of-way and aren’t included in ODOT’s carcass count.

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Oregon Wildlife Foundation Previews Three Wildlife Crossing Projects

– As wildlife move around their habitat for food, shelter and to find mates, the roads and highways that crisscross our state make that a dangerous and sometimes fatal journey. According to Oregon Department of Transportation’s (ODOT) carcass collection records, each year in Oregon, approximately 5,000 large-bodied animals are killed in wildlife-vehicle collisions. The actual number of wildlife lost to collisions with vehicles is likely much higher as some die outside the highway right-of-way and aren’t included in ODOT’s carcass count.

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Five Easy Dog Photography Tips

Loyal, loving, quirky and kind — a dog brings so much joy to life. It comes as no surprise that pet parents take ample pictures of furry family members. Dogs are a favorite subject matter for amateur and professional photographers, and countless framed photographs and slews of social media images prove it.

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Welcome to the Dream World of Pegi Smith

Pegi Smith (Peggy Smith) paints in acrylics on canvas from her home studio in the mountains near Ashland, Oregon. It’s not often that one finds an artist who paints from her dreams, yet Pegi’s visionary style distinguishes her paintings from all others, immersing the viewer in her personal—and very compelling— dream world.

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Tips to Help Your Home Survive a Wildfire

Every year, devastating wildfires burn across the United States. At the same time, a growing number of people are living where wildfires are a real risk. While these fires will continue to happen, there are things you can do to protect your home and neighborhood as well as your family’s safety.

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